Cold plunges are all the rage lately. Sometimes I see people post about doing it and I'm like "maybe I need to do that".

Then I think to myself, what about them makes them so beneficial? I would say that by consistently putting your body through uncomfortable situations and getting used to being uncomfortable, you grow and become better at working through discomfort in other areas of your life.

So I'm going to share some ways I practice being uncomfortable that don't involve me sitting in cold water.

My cold plunge a few years ago was wearing a bandana in public. Might not seem like much to most people, but for someone who struggled with social anxiety for a long time, wearing something “unusual” and being noticed made me extremely uncomfortable. I remember the first time I wore it to Kroger feeling so uncomfortable. That feeling totally disappeared after only a couple times doing it, and now it's just something I wear to keep my hair out of my face and I don't think twice about it.

My current form of cold plunge is sharing my thoughts publicly, like I'm doing right now.

What are some other ways to cold plunge?