I make music in the evenings to process my feelings. Recently, these words came out as I was recording: “This world feels like it’s falling apart sometimes.”
It stems from a general feeling I’ve felt for a few years now. On and off, not like I’m constantly feeling it. But it’ll just pop up every now and then. And I think it’s something a lot of people are feeling lately.
It’s a feeling of trying to do your seemingly pointless and insignificant daily tasks to get by, all while simultaneously reading about war, corruption, consumerism, inflation, people losing their jobs, their homes, their lives. Unnecessary competition for jobs. Environmental issues. The list goes on.
The world feels like it’s falling apart and what am I doing about it? What power do I have to change anything?
Thoughts, feelings, emotions. It’s all energy flowing through you. When you feel strong energy, how do you use it? What future am I investing my time, energy and money into?
You build your future by what you do in the present. Do you let anxiety take over and you freeze up? What future will that create? Do you spend your time doom scrolling through social media to escape from your feelings and avoid the job that you hate? What future will that create?
That was how I was spending my time. But I’m doing everything I can to change that. The following lyrics have been screaming at me recently:
If you know what life is worth. You would look for yours on earth. And now a you see the light. You stand up for your right
Get Up, Stand Up - Bob Marley
This time, I won't be complacent. The dreams I gave up and wasted. A new high. A new ride. And I'm on fire. My old shit ends here tonight…
Anthem, Part 3 - Blink-182