"I've been feeling very overwhelmed for a while now and having self-esteem issues stemming mainly from my work environment but also a few personal factors."
There is a Slack channel at Amazon dedicated to mental health support. I saw so many posts that echoed this sentiment. This is a common feeling especially working at big tech companies.
Overwhelm is probably the feeling I most often struggle with. It’s very easy for your mind to reach a limit with things you are thinking about and processing. Technical problems that you weren’t able to solve during the work day. Responsibilities that you have in your personal life, whether it be maintaining your home, caring for a family member, or mundane things like car issues that you have to deal with. Sometimes it’s too much and you start feeling an intense feeling, you get very irritable. You are overwhelmed, and you need to take some space.
Dealing with overwhelm requires space to process what is causing the feeling of being overwhelmed, and then you need to come up with a plan to take care of whatever is causing the overwhelm.
A lot of times when I’m overwhelmed it’s because I have a lot of tasks in my mind that I am keeping track of, but not a lot of time or energy to tackle them.
I’ve found what works for me is the following:
I've been overwhelmed with many things lately, war in Ukraine, looming financial collapse, new world order, Lucy's general development, Lucy's emotional development, Lucy's cognitive development. i have a lot of anxiety and i don't want to pass it down to Lucy when she's older, i want her to have the tools to regulate her emotions tools that i did not have when i became an adult and a parent and have taken a lot of work and energy recently to work on.