This is a message I shared in an internal Slack channel at Amazon. I share this with you to remind you that companies don’t care how hard you work. They care about their bottom line. Don’t give more than you need to. Always put yourself first. Do your best work within the confines of what you can give without compensating your health, relationships, hobbies, etc.

Return to office message

I was hired virtual April 2022, had a rough first 6 months with the company (story for another day), ended up on my current team at Amazon Health, worked hard, led some important initiatives on the frontend (including the One Medical Prime benefit that was recently launched), then notified in July of the RTO mandate. Below is the email I sent my HRBP, and up my management chain about a month ago, and only this week did I receive a response from my manager. To be clear I like my team, I like my manager, I DO NOT like how Amazon has been handling RTO.

Here is the email:

Dear All,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing today to address the recent changes regarding our workplace arrangements, specifically the shift from remote to in-office roles, and how it relates to my current situation.

Upon joining Amazon in April of 2022, my role was explicitly defined as a remote position. My decision to accept the job offer was contingent on this basis, as I had prioritized flexibility and had declined the offer initially, seeking roles that were strictly remote. Given these starting conditions, and my family's reliance on the certainty this arrangement provided, the notion of relocation presents a substantial personal hardship. I trust that this grants me a degree of consideration when discussing potential alternatives to the relocation requirement.

The possibility of relocation has placed considerable stress on me and my family. However, it has not diminished my commitment to the team and our objectives. This is clearly demonstrated by my instrumental role in the successful release of Project Hornbill. In addition to requiring a high level of expertise and dedication, my involvement in this project has deepened my understanding of internal systems and fostered invaluable relationships with colleagues across the organization. I firmly believe that these assets are indispensable and contribute significantly to the collective strength and agility of our team.

Despite the stress of relocating, I have made every effort to maintain the quality of my work and consistently meet all my responsibilities on time, including Project Hornbill. This demonstrates my dedication to supporting our company's goals, regardless of personal challenges. Moreover, I have taken the initiative to mentor several junior developers on the team, guiding them in frontend development basics throughout the development phase of project Hornbill. Thanks to their rapid progress and contributions, I believe they are now well-prepared for future promotions if they so choose.

Understanding the importance of collaboration and the value of face-to-face interactions, I propose as a compromise to fly to Seattle on some cadence or on an as-needed basis. This would maintain my direct involvement with key initiatives and allow for that essential personal connection with the team, without the need to uproot my family. I will otherwise continue to be deeply engaged virtually as I have been, always available for Slack huddles and Chime calls.

The decision to propose this alternative stems from a deep-seated desire to continue contributing to our team's vision. My preference is emphatically to remain with Amazon, continuing the work that I am so passionate about. However, the necessity to remain in my current location is equally strong.

I am hopeful that my track record, the critical role I have played in our projects, and my unwavering dedication even amidst personal challenges will underscore the value of finding a flexible solution. I am ready to discuss this matter at your earliest convenience to arrive at an agreeable solution that reflects the best interests of both Amazon and myself.

Thank you for your time and for considering my request. I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss how we can continue to work together in a way that maximizes our collective success.

Warm regards, Joseph Pedicini FEE II, Amazon Health

Here is the response I got:

Hi Joey, I appreciate your proposal and acknowledge the important contributions you have made during the Hornbill project. Thank you for your work. As we discussed, we are unfortunately not able to make any concessions on the return to office expectation. Since you decided to not relocate to Seattle, you will be placed on a 60-day paid working job search, effective immediately (12/4). During this time, we will expect you to deliver on your daily tasks and projects on the HST Membership team while you pursue another role at Amazon which will enable you to remain in your preferred location. If you don't find a role during your job search period, your employment with Amazon will end effective Friday, February 2. Please let me know if you have any questions.