Create. Share what you create. Be proud of what you create. What you create is a unique expression of you.
Your voice is how you leave your impact on the world. You could live a beautiful life and be fully self sustaining and take care of the world, but you only had impact over one person, yourself. Your voice is how you share that lifestyle with others and guide humanity toward the right path.
Art is how you express that in a way where people will listen. Art takes many forms. Being a good journalist is an art.
the word is PRACTICE. Turn what you do into an art that others can appreciate and improve on or make use of in their own lives.
art is the language we use to communicate with the future. When I say art anything can be “art”. A delicious recipe. A beautiful song. A love letter. A dance passed down through generations. Software. Whatever it is it must stand the test of time and not be forgotten. Whether it is remembered through culture/tradition, some physical record, or more recently a digitalized copy of the art. Art lives on as future generations continue to reflect on it.
There is always an audience. Whether the audience is your future self. Or a past self. Or someone in your life, either future or past version. Whenever you are creating something you are creating it with an intended audience or user. Art is creation. Life is creation. Therefore, life is art
Don't differentiate between work and play. Work and play are different results of the same thing. Action.
One of the most powerful things I did in therapy was on my last in person session. I wanted to work through sharing my authentic self. I asked my therapist to just sit and make art with me while we listened to an album I made. Sitting in that room with her and noticing and acknowledging all the uncomfortable feelings that came up was difficult for me. Feelings of embarrassment. Self doubt.
thoughts and feelings are energy flowing through you.
when you feel strong energy, how do you use it?
don't differentiate between work and play. use the same energy. Work and play are not different things. they are different results of the same thing. Action.
Channeling that energy into the painting in front of me. Again, feeling the embarrassment and doubt about the music and seeing it reflected right in front of me on the paper and feeling those feelings even stronger. But then just sitting through the feelings, noticing how the energy flows through my body. Starts in the chest. Tightness. Faster heartbeat.