Your mind. Your inner voice. Your intuition. Whatever you call it. That voice is trying to guide you. Trying to help you. But it only knows what it has experienced before.

If you grew up in an environment of shame, your voice will guide you with shame. If you grew up in an environment of love, your voice will guide you with love.

You can change the way your voice guides you. Expose yourself to more love. Soon enough you will reject the voice of shame and welcome in the voice of love.

The media you consume, the people you interact with, and the environment in which you live all have a direct correlation to how your inner voice guides you. Take control of the aspects of your external world that you can and strive to remove anything that cultivates feelings of anxiety, shame, or fear. Instead, replace them with things that cultivate feelings of hope, compassion, and love.

social media, tv shows, sports, what I eat and drink, making music, working, collecting things, making art, writing.

Time, energy and money are our resources for creating our life. We have a finite amount of time. But a potentially infinite amount of money and energy. Energy can be depleted or recharged. Money can be gained or lost. But time is constant. You can only lose time. So it's important to look at how you are using the time you have.

Am I using my time to gain energy by doing things that leave me feeling positive emotions? Or am I spending my time on things that cultivate negative energy? Am I using my time to build financial freedom? Or am I using my time on activities that only cost money?

Some of what I spend my time and energy on are more expensive than others. Some add in extra material possessions that I need to worry about and care for. Some calm my mind and leave me feeling proud of my accomplishments. Some are stressful but bring in money that I can save or use. Maybe I latch onto certain things because it gives me a feeling of purpose to drown out the feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Where does my time, energy and money go. What future am I investing my time, energy and money into? What feelings do I generally feel throughout the days, weeks and months?