Working in technology has a lot of benefits. Potential to work remotely. Work on interesting problems. Generally good pay and benefits. However there are a lot of challenges as well. The job search can be stressful. There are many toxic work environments. Since it’s a thought-based job, it’s easy for your work thoughts and the stress that comes with it to blend in with your personal life.

Burnout. Impostor syndrome. Overwhelm. Stress. Anxiety. Panic. Self doubt. Despair. Frustration. Rage. Hopelessness. We all experience these feelings. But how do you cope with them when you have a job that requires you to be mentally engaged and clear minded?

Our sense of reality is a story we are constantly creating in our minds. “I'm not good enough”, “I should be doing more right now”. When we think these things, that becomes our reality. “I can do anything I put my mind do”, “I deserve to rest and relax right now” - Which reality do you want to live in?


Impostor Syndrome


Believe in yourself

work stress management

Building your confidence

ADHD Brain

Feelings are Energy

Be uncomfortable